What do you want?
If you don’t know what you want how can you get it?
A need is something that gives you life. Water. Food. Air. Bathrooms. Shelter.
A want is a desire for something beyond that.
Wants and needs are endlessly confused.
You don’t need Air Jordans. You just want them.
You don’t need a Porsche. You just want one.
You don’t need a big house. You just want one.
Want stems from the desire for status.
When we want something we base it off of one simple question: will this boost or reduce my status?
Who you hangout with. What you wear. Where you live. What car do you drive.
It all stems from the desire to maintain and grow ones status.
Status is primordial.
Status is baked into our biology. In 2020 BC you status was the difference between safety or death, food or starvation, mate or not mate within the tribe.
While times have changed our biology hasn’t.
Social media is the ultimate real-time status tracker. Which makes it addictive.
You can see whose up whose down, who lost weight, whose fat, who had the best vacation, who has the nicest car.
Social media knows our drive for status and it gives it to us.
Parting thoughts
Is what you desire a need or a want?
Do you even know what you want?
Do we really want what we want or are we simply trying to impress an invisible jury?